Tuesday, December 24, 2019

African Leaders Established The Organisation Of African...

Introduction In the 21st Century, the African continent leaders wanted to establish a more united continent. It is for this reason that the African leaders established the Organisation of African Unity in 1963, with the purpose of eradicating colonialism in Africa, and harmonize and deepen collaboration efforts of member states to achieve a better life for its people. A number of problems emerged such as the 1975 Angolan civil war and the Somalia invasion of Ethiopia 1978, besides most African economies were on the decline, these issues among others weakened the competence of the OAU. Beginning of 1999 certain leaders began to question why the OAU failed to prevail and resolve the social ills that afflicted Africa (Bujra 2002) Therefore, the OAU was scrapped and the African Union was established on 9th July 2002 with the key objective of upholding peace, security and stability on the African continent. Ever since, the AU has launched military operations to help control clashes in Burundi, Sudan, Somalia and the Comoros. This paper will discuss the Darfur Crisis which militarily escalated in 2003. â€Å"The deployment of AMIS took place in a complex context representing the first real test of the AU’s peacekeeping capacity†,( Ouguergouz Yusufu 2012, p. 365). Ouguergouz and Yusufu assert that although the conflict has generally being portrayed as a religious conflict between the Muslim North and the Christian/Animist South, the conflict is driven mainly by political andShow MoreRelatedSouth Afric A Role As A Leader Essay1383 Words   |  6 PagesSouth Africa plays a role as a leader come out of Africa and engaging in Africa or through whom the established powers could engage with Africa. The Mbeki administration argues that the role given to South Africa was a role South Africa took on its own. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens Free Essays

Afterlife: the complete emptiness Wallace Stevens (1879–1955) wrote most of his poems during the world wars period, which took the lives of millions of people. As a result, Wallace Stevens started to question the importance of religion in the modern era, and felt that you should enjoy your life in the present and not waste time living for an afterlife. In his poem â€Å"The Snow Man†, Stevens describes a harsh winter environment creating a unique dramatic situation through an effective imagery. We will write a custom essay sample on The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens or any similar topic only for you Order Now He leads the reader from a relatively objective description of a winter scene to a subjective emotional response. Roberts Pack’s essay on â€Å"The Snow Man† discusses the idea of perception, while David Perkins while focuses on the relationship between imagination and reality through the perspective of the snow man. Is Wallace Steven concerned with imagination and reality, or perception? In â€Å"The Snow Man†, the atypical syntax and logic of the poem, as well as the usage of imagery, compels the reader to perceive the poem from an untraditional in order to both understand the role of nature and realize its very theme is death. The title of the poem â€Å"The Snow Man† is very confusing for the reader. At first we â€Å"visualize balls of snow placed on top of each other, coals for eyes, a carrot nose† as Perkins implies, and don’t see the relation with the poem. But after a few readings we discover the snow man and the listener are one individual. The lines â€Å"One must have a mind of winter† (1. 1) and â€Å"And have been cold a long time†(2. 1) indicate in my opinion the listener is dead. Why so? Winter implies cold, and cold equals death. So if the snow man has a mind of winter, it means he is dead. The snow man is indeed an image to describe this dead body, which is recovered by ice and snow. It is also a symbol of the cycle of life, which always ends with death. Once spring is here, the snow man will melt, it won’t last forever. Just like a dead body would decompose, and turn into dust. In fact, we get the sense that we are reading through the listener’s mind. The first thing that is noticeable about the poem is that it is actually just one long, complex sentence, there is no rhyme, and each line has a different length. One question that may arise with is this: if the poem really was meant to imitate the mind’s flow of thought, then why did Stevens write it in just one line instead of dividing it into five tercets? Without this specific structure the poem would lose in mood and tone. The dramatic situation is set on a cold and quiet winter day, with very little movement in the surroundings. The poem itself should be the same, gentle and unhurried. This is achieved with the use of pauses after lines and stanzas. Because when someone dies his soul is liberated from the burdens of life. The fourth line of the poem gives it this mood and tone too. It provides a further slowing down with the use of one syllable words, and of assonance with the long â€Å"o† sound â€Å"cold/long†, reinforcing the idea of the time passing and death. We can divide the poem into two distinctive parts. The first part (from the beginning to half of the seventh line â€Å"Of the January sun†), correlates with the dead man losing all sorts of feelings because of the cold. The speaker describes the harshness off the environment surrounding the dead man. The words employed are very particular, achieving nuances which contribute to the vividness of the picture. For instance, the word â€Å"crusted†(1. 3) is used instead of â€Å"covered,† suggesting not only that it covers, but also the snow’s firmness and roughness. We can assimilate the snow to the roots of a tree. It is obvious that there is an accumulation of the â€Å"r† sound, as in â€Å"regard,† â€Å"frost,† â€Å"pine-trees†, â€Å"crusted†, â€Å"junipers†, spruces†, â€Å"rough†, â€Å"glitter†, and â€Å"January†, adding vividness to the description. One particular image contained in these lines is that of the â€Å"distant glitter/ of the January sun† (2. 3/3. 1). The use of the sound â€Å"i† in assonance, support the idea that the sun is so distant, it has no effect. The enjambment and the separation of the phrase â€Å"of the January sun† into the next stanza, also relates this idea of distance. So even if the sun is visible in the sky, it doesn’t play its true role: provide heat. The speaker is almost saying he prefers darkness. The dead man losing his mind is the main subject of the second part (from and â€Å"not to think† to the end). The listener considers his self a snow man, enabling him to view the world through different eyes, and thus enables him to see the vivid little details of the scene, which he would not normally see. The dead man is leaving behind his own mind and assuming the snow man’s mind, liberating him from any sufferance. This idea is supported by the word â€Å"think†, emphasized by the enjambment â€Å"and not to think / of any misery†(3. -2). Therefore, it is clear these lines aim to appeal to the reader’s sense of hearing. It contains multiple instances of the word â€Å"sound,† as well as the words â€Å"listener† and â€Å"listen. † In addition, there also is a prevailing use of the sound â€Å"s† – â€Å"misery,† â€Å"sound,† â€Å"leaves,† â€Å"same,† â€Å"listener,† â€Å"listens,† and â€Å"snow†, which mimics the hissing â€Å"sound of the wind†(3. 2). On top of this, it is known that the absence of one sense contributes to the acuteness of another. In this instance, the dead man gives up his sense of sight, and tries listening instead of looking. He is able to hear the normally soft, quiet â€Å"sound the wind†, and â€Å"the sound of a few leaves†(3. 3). I think the speaker addresses the use of sound, because sound tells us a lot about our surroundings even if we don’t use our vision. In our society sound enables us to communicate, and to lose this sense indirectly signifies we are as good dead. Another aspect of this process is the movement from something particular and small to something more vague and vast. The â€Å"boughs of pine-trees,† â€Å"the junipers,† and â€Å"the spruces† disappear to become â€Å"the same bare place†, and â€Å"the sound of a few leaves† becomes â€Å"the sound of the land†. Along the poem, the dead man disregards his self. Slowly he loses his thought (death of the mind) and feelings (death of the body), then his sense’s from sight to hearing are reduced, and finally loses his distinctiveness by assuming the snow man’s mind. And, since the mind of a snow man is lifeless, the listener would ultimately become nothing, as stated in the 14th line â€Å"And, nothing himself†. This idea of â€Å"being nothing† is, given importance by putting the phrase, â€Å"nothing himself† in the middle of the line instead of the beginning or end, and by the repetition of the word â€Å"nothing† in the last two lines. The last line of the poem â€Å"Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is†(5. 3), the longest of it, is given more importance because it holds the key to Steven’s message. The fricative â€Å"th† gives it an echoing sound. The line starts with the word â€Å"behold† (it means to see) due to the use of the enjambment in line 14, which emphasises the message of this particular word. By combining the words â€Å"Behold† and â€Å"nothing†, Stevens is saying the dead man, aka the â€Å"listener†, is just sitting there dead and there is nothing, nothing to think about and nothing to do. Even if the speaker does a concession in by opposing â€Å"is not there† vs â€Å"that is†. The speaker is inducing there is nothing in the afterlife. In conclusion, â€Å"The Snow Man† is a poem about death, and the emptiness of the world. The dead man or the listener gradually loses his body, and then his mind to a snow man. The snow man is an image of the body in this cold environment. By assuming the mind of a snow man, he is condemning himself to disappear physically and mentally. Wrapping it up can be argued Wallace Stevens message is that there is no afterlife and there is no point in believing in religion. It would be interesting to study how Stevens personal and professional life shaped his opinion on religion. Work Cited †¢ Wallace, Stevens. â€Å"The Snow Man†. The Columbia Anthology of American Poetry. Jay Parini. New York. Columbia University Press. Page 310. Print. †¢ Pack Robert. Wallace Stevens: An approach to his poetry and thought. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1958. Copyright  © 1958 by Rutgers, The State University. †¢ Perkins, David. A History of Modern Poetry: From the 1890s to the High Modernist Mode (Cambridge: Harvard U P, 1976), 542-544 How to cite The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Nurses Knowledge Of Pharmacology Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Nurses Knowledge Of Pharmacology. Answer: Introduction The assignment deals with the article titled, Nurses knowledge of pharmacology behind drugs they commonly administer by Ndosi Newell (2009). In the context of the article the assignment discuses the importance of the study, the aims, objectives, research design, data collection, and results obtained from the study. Importance of the study I think that the research is very important not only for Singapore but globally. It is because of the necessity of supplementary pharmacology education for nurses to gain knowledge on drugs they commonly administer. Nurses require this knowledge due to changing nature of the therapeutic regimes, and because they are the front line carers. Lack of pharmacology knowledge may lead to medication error and adverse consequences (Smeulers et al., 2014). Therefore, the authors make the strong case for the study. Title and aims The title of the article is clear and concise. In 9 words the title gives the readers the idea about the research being conducted. However, it does not give a hint of the study nature that is qualitative or quantitative. The aim of the study is clearly stated, which is to determine if the nurses who administer medicines posses adequate knowledge of pharmacology. Further, the study aims to identify if the knowledge is related to their education background or experience. In think the aims and objectives of the study are achieved. Study design The study employed non-experimental causal comparative and correlational design for this research. The research design is appropriate as this is used for identifying the associations among the variables. It is useful to determine the existing differences and the consequences of it among the group of participants (Garber Hollon, 2015). The first and second hypothesis can be well addressed with this design. Data is collected through questionnaire and structured interview method. The instrument selected is justified as it can collect both subjective and objective data from nurses. It will help in measuring the relation between the variables that is education, knowledge and experience level. A small sample size of 42 may hamper the study results (Avery et al., 2014). Results The results of the study are clear and convincing as the data is well presented with charts and bar graphs. The results were statistically significant when measuring the knowledge differences between the junior and senior nurses. Poor pharmacology knowledge was evident among the nurses. The results indicated the correlation between the experience and the knowledge. Discussion The study had provided detailed discussion for the results obtained. The justification for the sample population chosen and the general reason for the low rate of response were also provided. It is convincing to read how the methodology helped in obtaining desired data. The author conducted a thorough literature review that well supported that the data obtained on pharmacology knowledge, Nurses experience and pharmacology knowledge, Nurse Grades and educational background. The study fails to address the learning trends among the nurses and other areas such as pharmacokinetics, drug dosage calculations. Further research The suggestions for further research on this topic are clear and helpful as there is a need of bigger and better sampling and various methods to further explore this area in Singapore. The recommendation on use of cluster sampling will omit the limitations of previous study. Further studies on this topic in Singapore can include the nurses drug dosage calculation and pharmacokinetics. References Avery, C. L., Der, J. S., Whitsel, E. A., Strmer, T. (2014). Comparison of study designs used to detect and characterize pharmacogenomic interactions in non-experimental studies: a simulation study.Pharmacogenetics and genomics,24(3), 146. Garber, J., Hollon, S. D. (2015). Specificity designs.The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Ndosi, M. E., Newell, R. (2009). Nurses knowledge of pharmacology behind drugs they commonly administer.Journal of clinical nursing,18(4), 570-580. Smeulers, M., Onderwater, A. T., Zwieten, M. C., Vermeulen, H. (2014). Nurses' experiences and perspectives on medication safety practices: an explorative qualitative study.Journal of nursing management,22(3), 276-285.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nature of Bullying

Introduction Over the recent times, cases of bullying have reportedly increased across the world. In my hometown, Orlando, Florida, the situation is not different. An escalated number of kids have been able to come out reporting variant cases of bullying in school and home as well. It is therefore vital that such cases of bullying are not only brought to light but also relevant steps are taken to proliferate this destructive behavior.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Nature of Bullying specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In essence, bullying simply refers to a form of behavior which involves the use of force or coercion to negatively affect another person’s well-being. This form of behavior is normally habitual—whether in school, work or even at home (William et al., 2005, p.10-20). In most cases, the person or people being bullied are normally defenseless no wander their bullies take advantage of them (Balsom, 2009). Regardless of whether one is a child or an adult, bullying affects the victims in a great way and should thus be mitigated at all costs (Einarsen et al., 2003, p.20-30). In this paper, central focus is going to be on the nature of bullying of children in my hometown, Orlando Florida, how it can be solved, and most importantly; establishing the importance of having knowledge of bullying as an art educator. Bullying in Florida and the connection with Art Educators In Orlando, Florida, bullying of children mostly comes in the following forms: verbal bullying where intimidating words or derogatory terms are used on the victim; physical bullying such as shoving, kicking, boxing or slapping the victim unnecessarily; cyber-bullying via the internet or even cell phones; racial discrimination; sexual bullying; social bullying—especially through isolation and exclusion from certain people or events; spreading of lies and false rumors; issuance of threats to vic tims; and having your things taken by the bully, among many others. Going by my personal observations, majority of these bullies have a low self-esteem. By bullying others and seeing others suffer, they therefore feel like they are attaining some form of self-worth. Other than this, others normally bully their peers in order to exert some form of power or control to their victims. As a result of this power, they get some favors for rewards from their victims—mostly in form of material stuff like money or doing some chores. Sadly enough, most of these bullies tend to get away with their actions since a majority of the victims chose to suffer alone in silence rather than opening up to others to get help. This is usually based on the fact that most of the bullies threaten their victims to the point that they feel safer suffering in silence and less-safer when they open-up to others about their ordeals.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A good example of bullying that recently happened in my hometown is reported by Courtney (2011). In this case, a bus driver bullied a girl on her way to school. When the girl’s mother learnt about the incident, she decided to confront the bus driver so as to know the specifics of the occurrence. In response, the driver refuted the claims and branded the little girl as a liar in spite of the fact that the bullying incident had been caught on live camera. This case drew outrage from many parents and, when the mother continued pursuit of the case, the driver sought the defense of a lawyer and the mother was arrested for her actions. According to Courtney, the mother decided to hire a different school bus for her daughter since no arrest was made to the driver despite the availability of blatant proofs of his guilt. If such cases are to be duly punished, it is extremely important that relevant actions are taken by th e concerned parties like parents, teachers, or even the general citizen who, apparently, get to witness such incidents even more than the parents (Whitted Dupper, 2005, p.167-170). However, the mandate to facilitate change does not stop at these people. Importantly, other opinion leaders in the society like the government or even art educators—through their influence in the society—can also contribute greatly in this agenda. For example, based on their knowledge on bullying; art educators can organize educative events that teach children in ways that they can avoid bullying or even report bullies. In doing so, the artist can use illustrative pictures, catchy words like poems and songs, or even connotative drawings can greatly help in stopping the bullying endemic. Conclusion On a positive note, there has been an increased awareness on bullying and its ramifications, courtesy of mass media like the internet, newspapers, magazines, the TV and radio. The government and o ther independent organizations are also sprouting, slowly but surely in the support of campaigns against bullying in Orlando, Florida.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Nature of Bullying specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, the School Safety Advocacy Council (2011), have organized a national conference on bullying scheduled between 15th and 17th February 2011. Key issues to be addressed in the event include: showcase of bullying programs, analyzing the bullying trends in Orlando, Florida and the U.S, at large, then providing possible solutions, and the usage of digital literacy to combat bullying; among many other. With such events in place, and other relevant actions being taken by other influential opinion leaders like art educators, bullying can be hugely dealt with. References Balsom, A. Z. (2009). Student journal: bullying has dire consequences. Web. Courtney, E. (2011). Florida mum arrest ed for confronting bus driver about child bullying. Web. Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D., Cooper, C. L. (2003). Bullying and emotional abuse in the workplace: international perspectives in research and practice, London: Taylor Francis. School Safety advocacy Council. (2011). National conference on bullying: February 15-17, 2012, Orlando, Florida. Web. Whitted, K. S., Dupper, D.R. (2005). Best practices for preventing or reducing bullying in schools. Children and Schools, 27 (3), 167-179.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Williams, K. D., Forgà ¡s, J. P., Von Hippel, W. (2005). The social outcast: ostracism, social exclusion, rejection, bullying. New York, NY: Psychology Press. This research paper on Nature of Bullying was written and submitted by user Angelo C. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Final Steps Into The Ordinary Essays - Same-sex Sexuality

The Final Steps Into The Ordinary Essays - Same-sex Sexuality The Final Steps Into The Ordinary marcus Snell English 101 1:00-1:50 11/6/00 The Final Steps Into The Ordinary Its hard sometimes to put your finger on the tipping point of tolerance. Its not usually the Thurgood Marshalls and the Sally Rides, the big headlines and the major stories. Its in the small incremental ways the world stops seeing differences as threateningAnd its finally happening for gay men and lesbians. Theyre becoming ordinary. In the September issue of Newsweek magazine Ann Quindlen wrote an article entitled The Right To Be Ordinary. In this article Quindlen addresses the issue of gays and lesbians becoming a part of every day life. The article states that even though there is still a lot of discrimination in our country; being gay or lesbian over the years has become more widely accepted. The author effectively argues this point by her use of anecdotes, her tone, and by ?. Quindlen successfully uses anecdotes to show readers how gay men and lesbians are becoming more commonplace. She builds her credibility by use actual anecdotes that have really occurred and have been reported in many newspapers. On incident that she reported was the Supreme Courts decision that the Boy Scouts had a right to keep out gay scoutmasters. This seems like a setback but it was actually a blessing in disguise. Even though the gay scoutmaster lost his trial, it was the Scouting officials that really took the beating. Men who had been Eagle Scouts for years began to send back their badges. The United Way would no longer support them and took away their funding. Cities and states soon prohibited the Boy Scouts from using public facilities. All this the Boy Scouts lost because of one little act of intolerance for a fellow human being. An additional example would be that during the summer in Vermont, nearly 500 gay and lesbian couples were united in civil unions. Even if these unions were only a second-class type of marriage, it still meant something to the individuals. Unlike how many religious leaders have felt, nothing awful occurred because of these marriages The sky did not fall. The earth did not split in two. Happy families and happy friends watched happy people pledge their love. Anna Quindlens tone made the editorial both successful and unsuccessful in relaying the point of her thesis. In writing her editorial, Quindlen used a somewhat humorous and aggravated tone. Her humorous tone was shown strongest when she was talking about Dr. Laura Schlessinger and about the Biblical text. To quote Quindlen about a letter written to Schlessinger, It thanks the conservative radio talk-show host, who has a loyal following of people who apparently were not yelled at enough as children and are trying to find someone to make up for it, for educating people regarding Gods law on homosexuality. Quindlen also addressed a few questions that the Bible had raised in her mind. The Bible states that slaves may be bought from neighboring nations. She was confused because a friend had told her that this stood for Mexicans but not Canadians. Another passage tells her that she is morally obligated to put her neighbor to death because he works on the Sabbath day. Last of all, she talks of how her friend told her that eating shellfish is an abomination (again according to the Bible) but a lesser abomination that homosexuality. Quindlen disagrees with this statement, along with the ones before it, and would like some clarification. This humorous tone kept the editorial entertaining and gave a different perspective on how to view what the Bible has to say exactly. A hint of aggravation could also be heard coming through to the reader. Sign of aggravation were ineffective in conveying her thesis. Anna Quindlens aggravation illustrated that even with all the progress the human race has made, with accepting differences; we still have a long way to go. Some of the strongest feelings of irritation are present near the end of the editorial. There are still too many gay bias murders, too, and too many committed by young men who feel threatened by the very notion of homosexuality. Thats one of the saddest things about the decision by the Boy Scouts, that they send a

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definite Articles Il and Lo in Early Italian

Definite Articles Il and Lo in Early Italian In early Italian, the use of various forms of the definite article was a little different than today. The form lo was more frequent than in modern Italian, and it was also used in many cases in which il was subsequently called for. Today,  lo precedes nouns beginning with s impura (s consonant), (lo Stato), z (lo zio), gn (lo gnomo), sc (lo sciocco), pn (lo pneumatico), ps (lo psicologo), x (lo xilofono), and with i semiconsonantica (semivowel i) (lo iodio). All other masculine nouns starting with a consonant are preceded by the article il. In early Italian, however, the form il could only be used after a word ending in a vowel and before a word beginning with a consonante semplice (simple consonant). In those cases, it could also occur in the reduced form l. Here are two examples from Dantes Divine Comedy (more specifically from Inferno: Canto I: mavea di paura il cor compunto (verso 15);l, dove l sol tace (verso 60). However, the form lo can be used in both cases, given that the final sound of the previous words ends in vowels and the initial sounds of the next words end in simple consonants. In particular, the use of this form was mandatory at the beginning of a phrase. Here are some examples, again taken from Dantes Divine Comedy: si volse a retro a rimirar lo passo (Inferno: Canto I, verso 26);Tu se lo mio maestro (Inferno: Canto I, verso 85);Lo giorno se nandava (Inferno: Canto II, verso 1). The differences in the use of the articles lo and il could be summarized as follows: in early Italian, lo was used more frequently and could be used in all cases (even if il was expected). In modern Italian il is found more frequently, and unlike in early Italian, there is no overlap in the usage of the two articles. How Is Lo Used in Contemporary Italian? The early use of the article lo instead of il continues in contemporary Italian in adverbial phrases such as per lo pià ¹ (for the most part) and per lo meno (at least). Another form which still occurs today (but in very limited use), is the plural li. This form is sometimes found when indicating a date, especially in bureaucratic correspondence: Rovigo, li marzo 23 1995. Since li isnt an article recognized by most Italians today, it is not uncommon to see it misspelled with an accent, as if it were the adverb of place là ¬. Of course, when speaking one says Rovigo, il marzo 23 1995, while in general in correspondence it is preferred to write 23 marzo 1995 (without the article). In  Italian, the article, whether an  articolo  determinativo  (definite article), an  articolo  indeterminativo  (indefinite article), or an  articolo  partitivo  (partitive article), has no independent lexical meaning in a sentence. It serves in various ways, however, to define the  noun  it is associated with, and with which it must agree in gender and number. If the speaker wants to say something about a dog (for example), he must first specify whether the statement is intended to refer to all class members (Il cane à ¨ il  migliore  amico  delluomo.- Dog is mans best friend.) or a single individual (Marco ha un cane pezzato.- Mark has a spotted dog). The article, along with other parts of speech, for example,  aggettivi  dimostrativi  (questo  cane- this dog), (alcuni  cani- some dogs), or  aggettivi  qualificativi  ( un bel cane- a beautiful dog), performs the important function of determining the nominal group.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Disaster & Emergency Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Disaster & Emergency Planning - Essay Example Basically, in the times of emergencies, cooperation between different response agencies and the general public together becomes very important. The principle of information sharing would help the community and the response agencies to prepare in advance. The local responders should be given the duty of regular risk assessment. The risks can vary from flooding, storm, etc. to terrorist attacks and chemical accidents. During and after the disaster, business continuity becomes a key issue and the stakeholders involved should focus on it. Advice and assistance to business and voluntary organizations become important together with monitoring and enforcement (Schneid & Collins, 2001).In the UK, the Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004 provides an important framework based on the principles of emergency planning. Emergency planning must involve a consistent level of civil protection activity based on the synchronization of the Category 1 and 2 responders. The framework provided by the Act doe s not aim to change the ways of civil protection radically. Instead, it provides that the emergency planning should be based on the existing processes and systems. The framework provides a common platform to the decentralized functionary of local responders who would act according to the local circumstances during a disaster. The Integrated Emergency Management (IEM) under the framework of CCA 2004 finally comprises of six activities: anticipation, assessment, prevention, preparation, response, and recovery. and recovery. (HM Government, 2005) However, it is still needed that the principles of emergency planning be more dynamic to address the problems of our social systems which are becoming more complex with the lapse of time. Interaction between public and response agencies should be steadily increased. Strategy for Communicating Risks The CCA 2004 provides clear directive that the response agencies should be agile enough to improve the community behaviour in the face of a disaste r. The responders must communicate the risks and provide accurate information to the community in time. There should be a warning and information system at the local level within the framework of CCA 2004. The duty

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

John C. Calhoun 1782- 1850 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

John C. Calhoun 1782- 1850 - Research Paper Example The Political Life of John Calhoun and his Pro-Slavery Stance John Caldwell Calhoun was in American politics for 40 years. Wilson, in the introduction to Coit (1977, page vii, ) tells reader how ,together with Daniel Webster and Henry Clay , he made up the Great Triumvirate which was such a strong force in American politics for his whole career. Henry Clay was seen by President Andrew Jackson as being politically untrustworthy. He thought of him as being opportunistic and over - ambitious , even self-serving. Jackson would beat Clay to the presidency 1832. Jackson also established a political rivalry with a second member of the Triumvirate, his chosen Vice-President, John C. Calhoun, and eventually leading to the vice-president’s resignation. His antagonism to Calhoun was not based upon purely political rivalry. According to ‘The Age of Jackson , ( 2013) Jackson's animosity feelings were exacerbated by the Mrs. Calhoun's treatment socially of the wife of John Eaton, Secr etary of War in Jackson’s cabinet.. As well as being a leading politician Calhoun was also very much part of the life of the southern American states, a society which was at that time based economically and socially upon slavery. Rehuse ( 2002) describes slavery as defining â€Å" Southern social, political, and cultural life.† Calhoun’s ideas on the topic of slavery had two main aspects . Firstly he felt that the political rights of the minority southern states required special protection within the federal union. The second part of his argument, a topic on which he frequently expounded his views, was the now highly controversial argument that presented slavery as being an institution that benefited everyone involved – both black and white. He seem s to have honestly believed that black people were better off as slaves in America than when living free in Africa. Although he was never elected as President his career as a politician distinguished Calhoun a s a revered statesman in his day. On the other hand some saw him as its greatest villain (Wilson in Coit, 1977, page viii). Born in Virginia as the third son in his family, he was raised in South Carolina, as the son of a farmer and Indian fighter, his father having emigrated from Ireland. Calhoun was brought up as a Calvinist, which suited his tendency to have a rather bleak view of mankind (Ulbrich, 2013). He felt that life was a continuous fight against evil forces ( Coit, 1977, page 2,) He would later become a Unitarian and a graduate of Yale University. After training as a lawyer, he was admitted to the bar in 1808. He worked for a short time as both lawyer and as a farmer, and he was elected as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1808 ( University of Virginia, 2013). Calhoun had grown up during a time of great expansion in the cotton trade, an industry based upon slave labor. He was elected to Congress, and served both in the House and Senate. He was a s upporter of President James Madison's attempts to declare war on Britain in 1812, having advocated this as early as 1807 ( Bio True Story, 2013) . He also served as a member of the cabinet, under President James Monroe. He served as secretary of war from 1817 to 1825, covering the whole time that Monroe held the presidency. It was a task he seems to have carried out with great success, Rehuse ( 2002) quotes a federal officer as having said of him

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sex and Gender Essay Example for Free

Sex and Gender Essay When most of us think about differences between men and women (or boys and girls) we tend to think first about the biology involved. The physical shape of our bodies genitalia mostly, but also the relative breadth of hips and shoulders, the presence or absence of a uterus and the potential to sustain a pregnancy helps us sort humans into male and female. Simple as pie. Which is good because sorting people by sex is something that is very important to most people. Watch nearly anybody go up to someone holding an infant and the first thing that she or he will ask the parent if the child is a girl or a boy. But why should it matter to anyone what the sex of the baby is? Even if it is easy to tell masculine from feminine. Except, of course, that its not. Theres nothing at all simple about the differences that exist between men and women because the biological differences between the sexes are only the beginning of the overall difference. (And even the biology itself can be ambiguous at times: Intersex individuals and others whose DNA is different from the most common XX or XY can be ambiguous in terms of appearance. Much of what gives us our gender identity as opposed to what we might call our sexual classification derives not from biology (or at not from genetics) but from the social and cultural values that give shape to each persons life. Because of this latter fact, the sociologist (along with the anthropologist and the social psychologist) is ideally qualified to help us understand what distinguishes the male from the female and why there are more differences among men and women than between them. Doctors and physiologists are of far less use in determining gender than one might have suspected. One of the most longstanding, most intense (and ultimately most frustrating) questions within the social sciences is that of nature-versus-nurture or how much we come into the world with and how much that birthright is shaped by our experiences ex utero. This is frustrating because, of course, there is simply no way to determine what we begin with in terms of understanding our gender and having a sense of self: Infants are very poor reporters about their internal states. Moreover, phrasing the question as one of a binary choice between nature and nuture suggests that the two do not interact with each other rather than the reality, which is that they continuously affect, alter, or reinforce each other in an iterative fashion. The area of sex and gender is one in which this debate (of nature and nurture) is especially fierce. This is true currently not primarily because of any discussion or disagreement about the nature of sex differences but rather because of the debate over same-sex marriage. One of the arguments that many proponents about same-sex marriage make is that sexual orientation is biological, something that results either from genetics, from biological conditions in utero, or from some interaction among genetics, biology, and other factors. If we accept this to be the case (and I do), then it is important to acknowledge that there are clear genetic/biological elements to gender identity and gender orientation in addition to the physical shape of peoples bodies. Thus, while I am arguing here that gender is primarily socially and culturally constructed, I am not disregarding the fact that biology has no small part in identity. While I am discussing the issue of sexual orientation, I would like to note that one of the ways in which men and women are both like each other (and highly variable within each sex) is that of sexual orientation. Very few men and women are purely heterosexual or purely homosexual. Rather most women and most men fall somewhere between these two poles. In this way a woman who is wholly homosexual is more like a man who is wholly homosexual than she is like a woman who is wholly heterosexual. The graph below demonstrates the way in which sexual orientation plays out. Men and women can equally be graphed in each sector, and those in each sector are highly similar to each other, regardless of sex (Ross, 1983, p. 28). Likewise, those of the same sex can be very different from each other depending where they fall on this scale of sexual orientation. But while there is an important biological element to gender, the majority of what creates a sense of gender identity (that is, what makes us identify and understand what masculine and feminine are and provides us with the psychological and social tools that allow us to act the way society expects us to) come about through several key areas: Our families and home environments, religious institutions (in some cases), schools, mass media, and what we might call simply society or culture. From infancy, our culture teaches what it means to be a boy or a girl. From the colour of clothes to the toys we play with, the messages begin at a very early age. Young people are influenced by a barrage of messages to conform to a variety of expectations, to buy this widget, and to preserve a rigid set of values that stress the differences between genders (Learning Gender Stereotypes, n. d. ) Because I think that it has the most influence of all (simply because of the amount of time we spend at home and the fact that we are exposed primarily to our families when we are developmentally at our most receptive or vulnerable I will focus on the family of origin and the early home environment, including toys. Anyone who has spent some time with small children knows that there is a great deal of pressure on parents to give their children the right toys. This is (I believe) generally true more for boys than for girls. A relevant anecdote here. A few weeks ago I was in a Target store and heard a man talking to a woman I assume his wife who was carrying an infant. She had a package of pacifiers in her hand and the man was saying, You get him anything that isnt blue and I swear to God if he turns out to be a fag then Ill kill you. I wanted to kidnap the child. Many parents are adamant about dressing girls in pink (and handing them only dolls to play with) and boys in blue (and giving them only cars and guns). Parents who raise their children like this tend to make the argument that they are not forcing their children into gender roles, but rather that they are simply catering to the inherent gender self-identity of their children. This is perhaps most commonly seen in the way that parents dismiss the bad behavior of their sons with the phrase, Oh, boys will be boys. True but the kind of thing that a boy is is in large measure what his parents make him. Boys like girls are the creations of their cultures. We can see this dynamic in the study performed by Condry and Condry. (The study was performed in 1976, but I believe it remains valid today. It is certainly a powerful study. ) They asked a group of subjects to observe the behavior of a group of nine-month-old babies (who were dressed so that the observers could not determine the sex of the baby). After a few minutes, the babies were scared by a Jack-in-the-box leaping out at them. When observers were told that the infants were boys, the subjects described the infants as being angry. Then the next group of observers was brought in and asked to observe the same infants who were then scared (again! ) by the Jack-in-the-box. This time, told that the infants were girls, the research subjects described the infants as being fearful. Bland (1998) summarizes the cumulative effects of his kind of reinforcement from the outside world on the growing childs sense of self, including her or his sense of what her or his own gender should do. The suggestion is, that boys may react with anger, and girls with fear, because we expect them to. All through our lives we tend to behave to match the attributions people make from social stereotypes because, to behave untypically, sets us apart. We are unconsciously behaving how we are expected to.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Importance of the Dance in A Dolls House Essay -- A Dolls House E

The Importance of the Dance in A Doll's House    Dancing is a beautiful form of expression that reveals a good deal about a person in a matter of minutes.   Characters that dance in plays and novels usually flash some sort of underlying meaning pertaining to their story, shining light on themselves, other characters, and the movement of the action.   In Ibsen's A Doll's House, Nora's performance of the tarantella summarizes the plot of the entire play.      Take, for example, Torvald's attitude towards Nora's offbeat movements.   Torvald plays the piano for Nora initially, but becomes so frustrated with Nora's dancing that he abandons his tune and attempts to re-teach Nora the tarantella.   This simple confrontation reflects the main action; Torvald is the one who provides Nora with music and who had previously taught Nora how to dance, just like he is the one who gives her a home and has sculpted her into his ideal wife.   Nora cannot dance rhythmically to Torvald's song because both her lies and Torvald's strong belief in app...

Monday, November 11, 2019

“Coming Back” by David Hill and “Tully” by Paullina Simons

‘Teenagers don’t always know all the answers. Texts can offer important lessons, which may assist responders in reflecting their own values’.Ignorant, unknowledgeable nature of youth exists as a naturalistic quality amongst teenagers; characters within the texts ‘Coming Back’ by David Hill and ‘Tully’ by Paullina Simons further endorse this characteristic. The themes of guilt and recovery as well as Pain and friendship provide insight into fundamental lessons that attest the responder’s values.A central concern addressed in ‘Coming back’ by David Hill is the primary battle existent within Ryan, which is endorsed in a series of actions that Hill associates with guilt. Both Ryan and Tara are heavily affected by the results of a tragic, traffic accident that hospitalized Tara Gower due to the negligence and recklessness of Ryan and his peers.Ryan foreshadows the car accident; repetition, short sentences and colloquial lan guage- â€Å"If only. Two little words with one massive bloody meaning. If only† emphasizing Ryan’s guilt and regret in conjunction with the accident. Direct language, low modality, negative connotations- â€Å"I had to punish myself. Hurt myself.† Forceful, objective tone and repetition in Ryan’s speech reiterate his guilt, as self- harmful thoughts began to justify his physical actions and behavior. Self -harm is a common result of pain amongst youth, which is demonstrated through the insightful texts of both ‘Coming Back’ and ‘Tully†, evidently guidance is often essential for teenagers during adolescents.Unknowing nature can result in fear, hence freezing recovery processes. Tara Gower’s recovery was often simultaneously affected by her fears and fears of the unknown. The enormity of Tara’s recovery is continuously illustrated throughout the text; demonstrated by the use of formal jargon- â€Å"An impact severe e nough to cause brain injury may also cause damage to other organs resulting in contusions of the heart† reflecting the serious notions of Tara’s condition, whilst providing facts and extenuating the trauma of the car accident.Medical context also reflects Ryan’s fears, providing dense, factual realizations that he unfortunately caused. Imagery, personification, metaphorical language-â€Å"I was too tired to fight it. All around me the river kept eating away.† Demonstrating Tara’s dream like state and reflecting her  fears of fading away. Initially Tara’s language is figurative and short, however her language develops over time. First person, imagery, positive connotations, high modality- â€Å"I felt myself swallowing. Orange Juice. A chocolate milkshake-my favorite!† indicating she was able to distinguish taste, but not able to feed herself during this point of recovery. Some of the most tragic issues are best conveyed in the depth of a novel, as they provide insight into fundamental lessons that attest the responder’s values.Pain is an explicit theme present in the text ‘Tully’ by Paullina Simons; how Tully copes with pain is a fundamental aspect of this text. The full horrors of Tully’s childhood are slowly unveiled; although the narrative begins when she is 17, flashbacks and accounts of her torn experiences as a child characterize her behavior and beliefs. She was abandoned by her father and unwanted by her abusive mother from a young age; repetitive clauses, negative connotations, recurring motif- â€Å"From the time Tully was two, she learned fear and with fear she learned hate, and with hate she learned silence† demonstrating she was raised in an atmosphere of neglect and unpredictable violence.Her pain resulted in self harm; metaphor, imagery, personification- â€Å"I do it because I want to feel what death feels like. I just want unconsciousness to wash over me- to h eal myself† illustrating the irony and juxtaposed nature of healing and death, provoking feelings of anxiety, portraying how damaged Tully has become. ‘Tully’ offers important lessons, which are relevant to societies concerns and beliefs.Friendship that endures through life times is a bold theme explicit in ‘Tully’. Regardless of her pain she found refuge in friendship with Jennifer and Julie, until Jennifer committed suicide in their senior year. She wrote a letter to Tully prior to her death; religious references, high modality, colloquialisms, metaphorical language- â€Å"God is going to call upon you to summon all your strength, all your iron clad, gritted teeth, clenched fists will to pull you through† demonstrating Jennifer believes Tully is unbreakable and will overcome her death, however, Tully sees it as an act of betrayal and is shattered by the harsh loss of Jennifer.Tully spent many hours compulsively cleaning the bathroom afterâ₠¬ ¦ and the unforgettable expressionless face of Jen’s father; low modality, emotive language,  imagery- â€Å"he is still stunned, yet I’m already falling, already can’t breathe without her† illustrating her affection towards Jennifer. Jennifer’s death had a huge impact on Tully, which reflects her future behavior and values.The themes of guilt, recovery, pain and friendship are undying concepts present in many teenagers lives, the notions of these themes are universal as ignorant, unknowledgeable nature of youth exists as a naturalistic quality amongst teenagers; characters within the texts ‘Coming Back’ by David Hill and ‘Tully’ by Paullina Simons further endorse this characteristic, demonstrating that teenagers do not always know the answers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Leadership Qualities In the novel Lord Of The Files Essay

In the novel lord of the files both Ralph and Piggy demonstrate qualities of a leader and others that would make you think otherwise. In this essay I will evaluate how each character has leadership qualities and how they are shown in the book. Firstly Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by taking the lead on the expedition. He immediately seems like the one in charge. He is confident, â€Å"He hastened back into the forest.† Ralph shows that he knows exactly what he is doing and is confident in his own judgement. This is a quality that leaders have, they are able to trust their own judgement and be a go-getter, Ralph shows a continuous sense of self-confidence in his actions and decisions and isn’t afraid to take a leap of faith. However, Piggy does not demonstrate this leadership quality. He is reserved and very self-conscious. He †glanced over ralphs shoulder before leaning†; this tells me that piggy is very self-conscious of peoples opinion about him. He confides in Ralph after trusting him with his name and seems like a follower. By taking the back seat in the first chapter Piggy shows us how intelligence isn’t always directly visible. Piggy is more intelligent than Ralph as Piggy comes up with suggestions that are both productive and extremely important for survival and information about the Island. â€Å"‘I expect we’ll want to know their names,’ said the fat boy, ‘and make a list. Although Ralph seems like the boy with the leadership qualities and the knowhow, Piggy comes up with probably the most important plan to get off the island. He assumes that he and Ralph could not have been the only survivors from the plane crash and quickly devises a strategy to make every one accountable for themselves. This intellectual mind-set portrayed is a leadership quality, despite it not being as obvious in him due to his withdrawn, following nature. Also, from appearance Ralph seems like a good leader. He is describes as † the fair boy†, as opposed to †the fat boy†. This is significant because the writer uses contrast to make ralph look better outwardly and arguably make Piggy look better inwardly. The novel is a question on society’s judgment on the word leader; what is a leader? is it appearance or content?. Ralph seems like the perfect man for the job. He is described as having a developing torso, putting emphasis on his physique and physical aspect and he seems a lot more fit that piggy. Ralph also doesn’t seem to have as much problems as Piggy. Piggy has Asthma, seems to have a fear of his controlling grandma and also seems to pant a considerable amount of times. Through the writer making Piggy seem like the one with the problem the effect given is that Piggy begins to show unusual leadership qualities. Piggy is a quick, calculated thinker and most of his ideas are shunned by Ralph until he supposedly ‘thought them up’. This Shows that although Ralph is ignorant in terms of praise for Piggy he does acknowledge that Piggy does come up with the ideas much quicker than him. Ralph, on the other hand demonstrates attributes that are not normally considered leadership qualities. â€Å"They used to call me ‘Piggy’. Ralph shrieked with laughter. He jumped up. ‘Piggy! Piggy!†. Ralph shows childishness in this passage which is an attribute that is not considered a leadership quality. Through Ralph’s childishness we begin to consider how important Piggy is. We see Piggy although he does not evidently look it, is a far more mature boy. He calculates and makes educated conclusion’s whereas Ralph seems to just be an adventurer and a depiction of a leader in those harsh times. As It was a time of war children would have been expected to have physical strength (to work for their guardian in the country) and mental strength. Ralph and Piggy alone do not have full leadership qualities enough to be a leader but collectively they join up to have essential skills for survival on a deserted Island

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Adolescent Spirituality Lectio Divina, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio

Adolescent Spirituality Lectio Divina, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio A spiritual discipline is something that should take a considerable part of human life and change it in the way that makes a person closer to God. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Adolescent Spirituality: Lectio Divina, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On my opinion, a spiritual discipline is the one that has to be taken seriously, from the bottom of a human heart. It is crucially important to take it regularly in order to keep proper relations with God and make use of them during this life. Personally I, a 28-year old non-denominational Christian, believe that spiritual disciplines are the activities, which can make people more valuable and create a kind of space, where God will play a leading role. This time, I have to concentrate on such concepts like lectio divina, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio. After practicing sacred reading, as one of possible spiritual disci plines, I get a chance to comprehend deeper the essence of my life, the role of God, and ministry, improve my self-awareness, and become closer to God and universe. Practicing Sacred Reading My spiritual practice consists of several steps. One of the most responsible steps is to pick out a book that can be easily readable. It should not take too much space, the paper has to be white (it is my personal desire), and the author should prefer not too complicated style of writing. I make a decision to read Holy Bible in an easy-to-read version. The next step in my practice is to find a quiet place with enough light in order not only to learn lection divina but also enjoy the comfort and burn a desire to read more. It is also very important to choose time for reading the book. For me, not too late evening is just fine. Proper chosen book and the place for reading make it possible to concentrate on meditation. With the help of accurate suggestions of the prayer, the way to contemplation may be open to me. This plan for my spiritual practice is almost perfect. The only issue that is obligatory is my desire to complete this task. It is a new activity in my life, this is why the more time I spend on preparations for this practice, the more desire I get to start this affair. Self-Awareness and My Place in the World Tony Jones (2003) admits that â€Å"reading without meditation is dry. Meditation without reading is subject to error. Prayer without meditation is lukewarm. Meditation without prayer is fruitless. Prayer without devotion leads to contemplation whereas contemplation without prayer happens rarely or by a miracle† (p. 43). This information has a considerable impact on my perception of this practice and the desire to achieve the best results. Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When I read the book, first, I try to imagine how othe r people can react to the same information. The idea become rather different; my imagination starts working. It is necessary to stop and concentrates more on my personal perception of the world, my role in this world, and my place. I realize that nothing and no one can improve my life except God and me. God can hear my prayers if they sound sincere and honest. It is useless to ask God to provide people with money or sex, with respect and recognition. All these issues may be achieved by a person independently. However, it is possible to ask for health or patience, support or luck. This practice helps me comprehend that there are lots of things I can reach independently, just make certain efforts and believe in myself. People are all equal before God, and it is impossible that one person is worthy of God’s support and care, and another person is not. What did I learn about God? I want to admit that I am too happy and proud that I get a chance to pass through this spiritual pra ctice and learn more about God and his power. Many people still cannot believe that it is possible to communicate with God. Of course, He does not come to your house, knock at the door, and ask for a cup of tea. However, if a person takes seriously lectio divina and believes in the possibility to ask God for help and get the answer, a kind of illumination will certainly come. God opens his heart to any person: it does not matter whether you have sins, do not believe in God, or spend all your life on praying. Very often, people complain of inability to communicate and get a piece of advice. However, they ask God for help subconsciously, and usually, get answers or at least some hints while they are sleeping. In the morning, people wake up and have several ideas of how to solve their problems, find more inspiration, or even start this new day properly. God knows what each person wants, and He will certainly find time to satisfy human needs and promote their actions, their beliefs, a nd their hopes. What did I learn about ministry? My background knowledge about ministry and its roles in religion and in a church is not too rich. I know for sure that it is a kind of religious organization that aims at providing various religious services, which are crucial for people. These services may involve weddings, funerals, or some sermons. These six weeks of practicing help me to comprehend how important and indispensible ministry’s duties are. These organizations give other people a chance to be closer to the Bible, to its content, and the messages, which are left for people and are intended to help them believe, enjoy this life, and respect any human being in this world. Ministry is a kind of stairs or even handrails, which help not to fall or stumble over. Ministry may have numerous faces, but one goal – to be available for people, who need or search for help. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Adolescent Spirituality: Lec tio Divina, Meditatio, Oratio, and Contemplatio specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many tragedies and challenges are waiting for people during their lives, and the ministry should care about humanity and give people a chance to communicate to God. Sometimes, it is enough to look at a minister in order to realize what should be done next. And I think that only ministry is capable to complete these functions on a proper level. This spiritual discipline and the practice I have to pass through is a wonderful chance to learn more about God and ministry, about myself and my place in this world, about human abilities and people’s usual complaints. Each of us has good and bad mornings and days, and it may happen that no one can support or give a hand. The help of God is invisible for many people, but still it exists and is available for any person. The point is that not every person is able to use it properly, to believe that everything is pos sible, and to improve own life. I want my family trust in God in order to be sure that one day, when I am far away, God will care about my family and show them the necessary safe way. Reference List Jones, T. (2003). Sacred Reading. In Soul Shaper: Exploring Spirituality and Contemplative Practices in Youth Ministry. El Cajon, California: Youth Specialties.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Word Choice Rout vs. Route - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog

Word Choice Rout vs. Route - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog Word Choice: Rout vs. Route Ah, the English language, will you ever stop confusing us? Why, for instance, would anyone think it’s a good idea to have two words which differ in meaning and sound different, but which are spelled almost identically? It beats us, yet that’s what we have with â€Å"rout† and â€Å"route.† It’s easy to get these words mixed up, especially because â€Å"rout† is not common in everyday speech. So, what is the difference? And which word should we use in any given instance? Rout (Lose Badly) The word â€Å"rout† is commonly associated with battles, as it means â€Å"a disorderly retreat.† Thus, if an army is defeated and forced to run, we say it was â€Å"routed† (â€Å"rout† can be used as either a noun or a verb): During World War II, the French Army was routed at the Battle of Sedan. A more modern use of â€Å"rout† is to mean â€Å"an overwhelming defeat†: In 1990, the 49ers routed the Broncos 55-10 in the Super Bowl. To the best of our knowledge, however, sporting routs rarely end in the losing team making a disorderly retreat from the field of play. Route (Go Places) If nothing else, you’ll probably know the word â€Å"route† from the US Highway System. This, in fact, is a big clue to the main meaning of â€Å"route,† which is â€Å"a road or passage of travel†: If you ever plan to motor west Travel my way, take the highway that is best Get your kicks on Route Sixty-Six As well as major travel routes, the word â€Å"route† is used for any regular round of stops, such as a â€Å"paper route.† Furthermore, â€Å"route† can be used as a verb meaning â€Å"direct something†: Because of the accident, traffic was routed away from the town center. In both cases, the essence of â€Å"route† is always to do with traveling or following a particular course. Rout or Route? In everyday life, you’re more likely to need â€Å"route† than â€Å"rout.† But if you’re discussing a battle or an overwhelming defeat in sport, you might need to use â€Å"rout.† Remember: Rout = An overwhelming defeat and/or disorderly retreat Route = A road or regular passage of travel Be careful when using the past tense with these words, though, as both are spelled routed.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Political Speech on Guantanamo Bay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Political Speech on Guantanamo Bay - Essay Example However, the remnants of the war will never settle and will forever terrorize our minds as we try to move on. Why -because we could never come to terms of the fact that someday we will pay for all the pain and suffering we have caused to others. The sword of Damocles hangs high above our heads as we take in the Prisoners of War at our own mercy and disposal. In the guise of national security we seek to inflict pain and torture on the prisoners to extract what "-information to justify their presence in camps like Guantanamo Bay in Cuba" As POW's, these men are the mere forgotten and dispensable "soldiers-made-puppets" of another ambitious man wielding a form of power. These men are ordinary humans just like every American soldier we send to battle. They had homes and families who took care of them before being uprooted to fight for a cause and we are slowly draining them of their capacity to lead normal lives. Like spectators in a barbaric show of strength, we take pride in stripping them of the last vestiges of sanity. Instead of nurturing these men to erase possible traces of hate, we are evoking the primal instinct of man to fight back and defend. We try to insult a person's faith and his right to religion and what do we have to offer in return We are engaged in endless arguments over the prisoners in Guantanamo yet at the moment, we can never prove whi

Thursday, October 31, 2019

New York v. Burger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

New York v. Burger - Research Paper Example The respondent in this case is the owner of a junkyard and his business includes dismantling of automobiles and selling the parts. The junk yard is an open lot without buildings and is surrounded by a metal fence. On the day the search was conducted police officers from the Auto Crimes division entered the respondents junk yard and conducted an inspection pursuant to Section 415-a5 of the New York vehicle and Traffic law. The officers from the division conduct similar searches on 5 to 10 vehicle dismantlers on a given day. When the officers entered the respondent’s yard, they asked to see his license and a police book he was required to keep. The respondent told the officers that he didn’t have either the license or the police book and the officers declared their intentions to conduct a search under section 415-a5. The respondent did not object and the officers took some Vehicle Identification Numbers from the parts in the yard and compared them against the police compu ter. Upon comparison of the VIN the officers determined that some of the parts were stolen and consequently arrested the respondent for being in possession of stolen items and operating a vehicle dismantling business without the required license (Bierman, 1995). The respondent sought to suppress the evidence obtained from the inspection on the ground that section 415-a5, which authorized the search was unconstitutional. The court in denying the motion to suppress the evidence observed that motor vehicle dismantling business is a pervasively regulated business and warrantless administrative inspection was appropriate. Additionally, the court observed that the statute was appropriately limited in time, place and scoop and that where the officers had a reasonable reason to believe that some of the parts in the yard were stolen, they could arrest the respondent and seize the property without the need of a warrant. The appellate Division also

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The British Prison System Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8250 words

The British Prison System - Case Study Example The logical assumptions in behind the construction of the multitude of prison facilities, everywhere in the world; have been the hope that they would somehow deter crime. This has worked at times and at others it has not. The belief that crime is something that can be easily done away with is wrong to assume and truthfully it takes a lot more than placing people in prison to correct the problematic behaviours. This is where the relative differences come in between British Prison Systems, Japanese Prison Systems, and many other prison institutions in the world. Although there is a lower percentile of incarceration in Japan and in other national areas as well, there are many reasons in behind this and they are not all associative with lower crime rates. British crime has been reduced in the past decade as well and this has been achieved through various alternatives, some that Japan uses, but a good percentage of which are solely utilized by Britain. This research will present the vario us differences among the British Prisons, Japanese Prisons, and other Intercontinental Prisons. There is already a well founded conception on how Japanese prisons treat inmates and foreign prisoners and also on what course of penal punishments are normally used. However, the comparison of Japanese Prisons in relation to British Prisons is rather vague and there is not sufficient information to base a fair contrast or comparison of the two. This is the intent of this research, to attempt to resolve the inadequate present information between these two penal systems and others, shedding some light on the exact differences, in a more truthful manner than has been relayed in the past. A number of issues will be discussed in order to do this; with one happening to be regarding how British prisoners have faired in International prisons compared to if they had been confined to a British Prison. The perception of how the treatment of foreign prisoners is carried out is very sporadic and base d on personal opinions but the relative differences between foreign treatments of prisoners compared to the British technique will be made quite obvious. There will be some similarities included along with the literary differences that will be discussed in this research. The main points that will be more fully investigated are how well the prison systems in either country actually deter crime and what measures are utilized by each to keep repetitive criminal actions from reoccurring. Another strong focus will be in the variations of the prison environments. Although prison should not be a place that someone would want to go too, neither should it be one making up an environment that is almost uninhabitable by humans if in fact any form of humane treatment is going to be considered. Prison is ultimately used as a last resort, especially in Japan and other foreign nations. It is the goal of this research to bring evidence that prison actually does work to decrease crime in any culture . Table of Contents I. Introduction: Common Differences Between Japanese and British Prisons II. Variations Found Within the Environment of Japanese and British Prisons III. British Prison System from Predeceasing Years to Modern Day, including UK IV. Historical Treatment of Female Prisoners in the British Prison System V. Portrayal of the Media and Television Broadcasting of British Prisons and International Prisons VI. How the Environment of a Prison Effects Inmates Behaviour and Reform VII. Prisoners Rights to Rehabilitation and Fair Treatment VIII. Penal Punishments and Treatment of Prisoners in the UK IX. Percentage of Crime Today Internationally X. Conclusion THE BRITISH PRISON SYSTEM Introduction: Common Differences between Japanese and British Prisons Prison systems of Britain and Japan have various sociological differences among them. The processes involving disciplinary actions

Sunday, October 27, 2019

History On The Syrian Uprising Politics Essay

History On The Syrian Uprising Politics Essay When reviewing the information on Syrian Uprising it is apparent that each source of media reports in a different way. As shown by one mass media source might not give all of the facts on the war. A second and third source will have two different hypotheses. Now the report done by USA today gives a different point of view on the same topic, the article paints the picture of the terrorist being the good guys or the criminals in this case, the rebels are they the same or different? This all depends on the media and propaganda. The Syrian civil war, also referred to as the Syrian uprising, is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Baath Party government and those seeking to oust it. The conflict began on 15 March 2011 with nationwide demonstrations as part of the wider protest movement known as the Arab Spring. Protesters demanded the end to nearly five decades of Baath Party rule, as well as the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad. As you can see from the evidence shown in the brief statement that the same group is shown as the Opposition party or the terrorist, however there is room for an optional on this also with the historical facts. To find out the Arab point of view, on the thesis topic hereunder, you got to watch Al-Jazeera News Channel, as it is the best Arab News Channel that covers the Syrian Civil War/ Uprising. Also, it has covered all previous Arab revolution against their tyrant rulers, a period known as Arab Spring, which erupted initially in Tunisia, a couple years ago, then moved to neighboring country, Egypt, followed by neighboring Libya, then Yemen, while it is still going on in Syria. To emphasize these ideas, please refer to a weekly debate program called Opposite Directions that covers various theme. The last program related to the thesis topic broadcasted a couple weeks ago, which hosted by a well known Arab commentator, Faisal Al-Qassem., whereby two opponent individuals were interviewed, a journalist that is pro the Syrian government, and a representative from the Opposition Party, known as Free Syrian Army. The Program was highly thrilling and influential upon watchers as it covers a very h ot current issue that arouse the feelings of millions of people, and human rights organizations around the world. In iorder for the outsiders to understand the discussion theme, I should demonstrate a brief history of the current ruling party of Syria. Syria is an Arab State located in the highest conflict area in the Middle East, probably for the whole world, as it has direct borders to Israel, in an area; called Golan Heights. This strategic area was seized by Israel during the 1967 War, in which Israel succeeded in occupying the remaining of Palestine, which now known as West Bank, Sinea Desert from Egypt, and Golan Height from Syrian territory. Since that date, and this heavy butterfly defeat; Syria and other Arab States in the surrounding region become unstable, and angry demonstrations erupted in these countries demanding revenge and out setting the dictatorship and so called traitor leaders. Looking at the remaining facts of how and why this happen In Egypt, president Jamal Abdul Nasser admitted his full responsibility about the humiliating defeat, Announcing is resignationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ However, the Egyptian backed by most Arab people went into massive demonstrations, requesting the return of Nasser to Power, and resignation of his assistance generals, accusing them of the cause of the defeat. In Jordan, dominated by Palestinian origin people announced their revolution against Israel establishing a movement called Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), led by late Yasser Arafat, who become the symbol for the Palestinian cause, who was finally died while besieged in his headquarter in Ram Allah, with allegations still going on, that Israel mainly Sharun, the Ex PM of Israel has poisoned him with Bolton poison material. PLO achieves the first victory against Israel in 1968, with assistance of Jordanian Artilleries, in an Al-Karamah War. Although the war was on small scale but it raised the morals of the Palestinians and Arab people, so more people and fighters join PLO, and become a dominating force in Jordan that threaten the authority and power of its King, late Hussein bin Talal. An internal clash and fierce fight erupted between PLO and Jordan, ended with an Agreement signed in Cairo 1970, in which PLO fighters moved to South Lebanon to start a new era of fight for freedom against Israeli aggression. Now, going back to Syria, which is the main theme of my thesisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ During the aforesaid clash, the Syrian Army crossed the border of Jordan in an attempt to assist the Palestinian revolution; an opportunity that the Minister of Defense Hafez Al-Assad has seized to take hold of the power, and made a cope announcing himself as new President, establishing Baath Party, with main ministers and VIP positions are held by people from his sect. Syria, like most other Arab states is composed of ethnic groups, Alaweya who are part of Shiite Muslim comprised 12% of the population, while Sunni comprised three quarter off the population, with other minorities from Christian, Kurds etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Thereby, 12% is ruling the majority of the people by suppression, force, corruption which was the seeds for the uprising we are witnessing nowadays Hafez Al-Assad died in 2,000 and was succeeded by his son, the current president Bashar Al-Assad. Bashar attempted to implement political reform in the country, However, al-Assad is widely regarded to have been unsuccessful in implementing democratic change, with a 2010 report from Human Rights Watch stating that he had failed to improve the state of human rights since taking power ten years prior. All other political parties have remained banned, thereby making Syria a one-party state without free elections. In terms of socioeconomic situation, although Syria owns huge natural resources, factories, agriculture, oil etc; the majority of people mainly in the outskirts of the main cities like Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Darrah, Dir AlZoor, Hamah live in poverty, deprived from freedom for election and welfareTherefore the uprising has erupted and still undergoing in Syria. Now, going back to the Program Opposite Directions or Face to Face, the journalist that was pro the government claimed, as Syrian regime is announcing daily in the Media, that those protesters are terrorist gangs related to Islamic Al-Qaeda extremists, and they are paid by neutral Arab/ Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey that they are seeking peace with Israel, while Syria backed by Iran, Russia and China, is in the front fire line with Israel.. The other commentator representing the Opposition Party, denied totally such allegations, and asserting that the Uprising has started by peaceful demonstrations by poor people away from the major cities, that were demanding freedom, equality, welfare, which are just basic demands and basic right that must be granted for the people all over the world. Then, after using fire arms and artilleries to suppress or quell the demonstrators, they were forced to use the arms and fight the Syrian Army They have created a new army called Free Syrian Army comprised of veteran soldiers and military high rank staff that dissented from the legal Syrian Army The Program duration is one hour, which includes two periods of interruption for advertisements that are irrelevant to this hot topic being rallied. From my opinion, there is no need for such interruptions as will make the watchers lose interest, especially when one of commentator was not given the chance to express his ideas extensively and in a comprehensive way. Also, the host, although he is very experienced and skilled in presenting such programs, most of the time was pro one of the parties that is the opposition side, in an unbiased way, which definitely will influence the ideas and concepts that will be inferred or contemplated by the watchers. It will be much better to leave each party clarify his point of view. On the other hand, there are numerous programs and articles that had been published or announced in the US media including TV News channels, magazines, newspapers etc. For the sake of comparison with the aforesaid AlJazeera Arab News Channel Program, I will refer to a comprehensive article published in the CNN website, called Syria: Understanding the unrest edited Arwa Damon and Richard Roth, CNN The article does not touch on the history or the facts of the real issues that has lead to such uprising. It covers general issues including past inhuman massacre committed by previous late president of Syria, Hafez Al-Assad, father of Bashar the current president, in 1982 in Hama city, in which over 20,000 were killed. However this is a reference to an isolated incidence that is cant be compared to the current massive military violence against civil Syrian people in almost all of the cities and towns in the country. The other main point demonstrated in the said article, that reveals the real American point of view about the whole issue is related to domination, as the article clearly refers to the support the Syrian regime is receiving from two main powers in the world that are : Russia and China. Over history it is known that Syria is supported in terms of military, diplomacy and economy by Russia. And definitely, Russia or China have strategic interests in Syria; as if they lose their domination over the country they will lose their last stronghold in the Middle East; exactly in a similar way that has recently occurred in Libya; for which country was dominated by NATO forces, mainly France; as almost oil and 50% of projects are or will be allocated to France and other NATO countries.. Also, the topic refers to other regional countries that have a role in the Syrian issue, mainly Turkey, and Saudi Arabiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Turkey is an important trading partner, but its relationship with Syria appears to have cooled. From my point of view, Turkey will have a great role in the crisis if it either interferes by military forces, or just by packing the rebels mainly the Free Syrian Army; which will be a great help for the protesters and opponent forces. In early August, Saudi Arabias King Abdullah condemned the crackdown on anti-government protesters, saying there was no justification for the bloodshed. While it is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia has openly criticized Syria, it is not surprising. Saudi Arabia is wary of Irans influence in the region and Syria is Irans closest ally there. From my point of view the role of other Arab major countries like Egypt, and Qatar have to be taken into consideration, for Egypt inference by force will create an unbalance for the benefit of the opposition. While Qatar economic aid for the opponents will be a high significant factor in the whole equation of force balance. Is social media still playing a part in the uprising? Is it likely to have a decisive role in the final outcome? Its huge. Its not the same as we saw in Egypt, which has been labeled a Facebook revolution because of the role of social networking sites. Syria is the YouTube revolution. If activists werent posting videos to YouTube, we would have almost no window into what appears to be happening in Syria. Will it be decisive? Yes, absolutely. The reason why people have been able to have such a strong debate about crimes against humanity, about abuses, about the atrocities allegedly committed is because weve had these images on hand. As I have demonstrated a brief history of the area and conflict in the ME region, I believe the main and most complicated issue that is the cause of all such uprising or what so called Arab Spring era, is the Palestinian Cause. Although I am of Palestinian origin, but Ive never lived or seen my country Palestin, I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, and the closest point I reach was Jordan and Egypt. Definitely, nobody will ever forget ones heritage, descendants, ancestors, homeland as those give the value of ones existence in life. But by looking of high toll of death on a daily basis in Syria, on the average 100 people die every day, and civilian people are bombarded by artilleries and airplanes , from their own army that they build by their blood, money, and efforts.. All what I can say that it is unfair, and all the world should interfere somehow to solve the problem Finally, to recap, I repeat that the Palestinian issue is the cause of all this unrest in the area, probably the whole world. It is the cause that provokes uprising and unrest in the whole world It is the cause that the Islamic extremists or fundamentalists use to justify their terrorism upon innocent American Civilians. It is this mentality that doesnt accept dialogue and brainstorming with confronting ideas, and it always it is my way or the high wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Such kind of people are the main blockade to peace, freedom and amenityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I dont believe that conflicts and violence will lead us to anything, it will take us to nowhere, to the contrary they provoke hatred, poverty, resentment, and illiteracy, with desperation and no hope for the future.. I do believe that all people are descended from one Father, Adam; and one Mother; Eve so we all are brothers in humanity, and should learn how to love each other and live in tranquility, brotherhood and peaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ . In enclosing this should show that no everyone shares the same point of view on one sub ject matter, not all view points are heard or seen. The use of history and fact to give a point of view is to learn from the mistakes made in the past have a way of coming back into play.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Chronichles of a madman :: essays research papers

Chronicles of a Madman   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Published by New American Library Character Physical Traits Johnny- Tall, skinny, short black hair, dark venomous eyes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Johnny was a tall slender type person who hated the way he looked.† â€Å"He stared down with dark eyes that seemed to go on as an abyss of space.† Squee- A small child with short black hair and blue eyes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Squee was Johnny’s friend, even if he didn’t want to be, it was strange Of Johnny to befriend a child.† â€Å"Squee is very short and portly with short black hair and blue eyes that were like giant sapphires.† Jakki- Tall, slender, long black hair with white streaks down the front sides.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Jakki was a tall skinny Goth type girl with long black hair typically with white stripes down the front sides.† Character Personality Traits Johnny- Johnny is a crazy killer who will stop at nothing to annihilate the world’s population. Johnny is extremely cold hearted person who gruesomely murders any one who makes him mad. This is shown when he rips someone’s spine out of there body simply because the person sneezed on him. Squee- Squee is very scared and can never grip reality, growing up with the terrible parents that he has. He can never be happy, the only person he has been friends with is Johnny and he is frightened to death of him. Inside Squee is truly a great person, this is shown when he helps a dieing dog heal and stay alive, Squee spent weeks helping the poor dog. Jakki- Jakki is a strong, intelligent, brave person. She has been on the run from Johnny for almost two years. She has shown that she can overcome the hardest of times when she was right in the grip of Johnny’s wrath she was the only one to survive in a three mile radius. Setting   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This story takes place in a post apocalyptic future world, Johnny chases Jakki all around the world, but the book never really names the specific places. The whole world is in ruins due to Johnny’s wrath. Plot   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first main event was that Johnny had met Squee. Johnny helped Squee understand that his parents are not the ones turning him into an evil person. Johnny helped Squee become a much better person   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another main event was when Johnny was chasing after Jakki, Being the only person he has never been able to kill has been quite vexing to Johnny. This event has been very exciting.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comm Reflective Essay

Section 1 My Learning Journey†¦ in COMM101: Principles of Responsible Commerce Initially, before I learn this course, I have always thought that a â€Å"responsible commerce† is only important to balance the economic cycle. In my initial essay regarding â€Å"responsible commerce†, I mentioned about child labor being one of the biggest issue of irresponsible commerce, I thought the reason of it being such a big issue was because it would affect the whole economical cycle.And I did not realize that responsible commerce would involve different kinds of principles of ethics and elements in business, Through this subject I have learned that ethical principles and standards in business define acceptable conduct in businesses which underpin how management makes decisions. Business ethics reflects the philosophy of business, one of whose aims is to determine the fundamental purposes of a company. However, behaving ethically is not quite the same thing as behaving lawfully , because ethics are about what is right and what is wrong; while law is about what is lawful and what is unlawful.What is unethical does not mean it is unlawful, for example, if a driver sees a car crash while he was driving, ethically, he should have stopped his car to see if there is any help that he could provide to the victim, but, still, it does not violate the law if he does not stop to help. It is the same in business. It would be ethical to take up partial responsibility to take care of the unfortunate after earning so much profit from the people; but not taking up the responsibility does not cause them to violate the law either.Another thing that I have learned about ethics is that there are different principles to define what is right or wrong. I would consider myself as a utilitarian because I have always thought that whether a matter is right or wrong depends on its consequence. If a person tells a lie, so that he would not hurt somebody’s feelings, he is ethical ly right. However, Kant’s theory is in contrast with utilitarianism. Kant’s theory judges a matter regardless of whether the consequence is good or bad, the action, for instance, lying is wrong, and then it is ethically wrong.In the commercial world, Kant’s theory gives organizations firm rules to follow in moral decision-makings. To Kantians, â€Å"morality must be based on the categorical imperative because morality is such that you are commanded by it, and is such that you cannot opt out of it or claim that it does not apply to you. † (California State University) Corporations use Kant’s categorical imperatives to command unconditionally on what is right for their employees to do and what is wrong to do.Kant’s theory had also taught me â€Å"humanity as an end, never as merely a means†, which means a person has his own inner worth and shall not be used by anyone for his or her benefits. (Shaw et. al. , 2009) But in my opinion, this principle is fairly difficult to obey because, in reality, everyone is using each other as a means to benefit himself in order to survive. For example, at a private college, a lecturer is hired to teach students who have paid tuition fees to the college. The college is using the lecturer as a means to generate income.On the other hand, lecturer is also using the college as a means to generate income for himself when he receives salary after teaching the students. This example has taught me that the application of ethical theories is not constant and evolves from time to time. Like corporate responsibilities, they, too, evolve from time to time. In 1962, Milton Friedman argued that ‘there is only one responsibility of business, which is to use its resources and engage in profitable activities as long as it stays within the rules of the game’.He emphasized that when a business is increasing profits, it is being socially responsible and it is believed to be an â€Å"invi sible hand† to create more employment opportunities, new goods and services for customers, profits for shareholders, and economic growth. Nonetheless, according to Friedman, business managers who maximize profits are also acting moral responsibility because they have an obligation as employees to serve their employers bona fide in the best interest of the company.However, in 2010, a professor at Melbourne Business School, Doctor Geoff Lewis, claimed that Friedman’s view was outdated because the argument was set in the mid-nineties to preach against socialism. Lewis argued that in the twenty-first century, where most economy has been capitalized, it is not enough for a business to be solely responsible for increasing its profits. Lewis says that ‘forty years ago social responsibility may have been seen as an act of, as Friedman described it, â€Å"hypocritical window dressing† – but in today's world we think in terms of sustainability and of business playing a central role in our market-driven society’.In addition, Niall FitzGerald (2010) also opposes with Friedman’s statement where being socially responsible is against the company’s best interest as it imposes costs on the shareholders, because being socially responsible does not conflict the profitability of a business. A major part of the commercial world today has already been capitalized so that corporations could enjoy free competition with each other, while consumers would have better choices of products. I believe that is what every one of us would think of.However, through learning COMM101, I have realized that capitalism is good, but a market shall not be over capitalized. Capitalism centered upon individual self-interest and competitiveness. (Shaw et. al. , 2009) Competition without regulations in the marketplace would lead to alienation of the weaker competitors in the market and, hence, breeds oligopolies in the market. This would not be a good thing to happen in the poorer countries, where the local corporations may not be as strong as the foreign ones, and would most probably be isolated by the consumers, while the local market might be taken over by the foreign investors.In order to protect these local corporations, this is when the government should regulate the market by adding certain principles of socialism to encourage co-cooperativeness between foreign and local corporations. Another topic that I have learned in this course is globalization. Globalization has been promoted all around the world. Usually, globalization is seen as an irresistible and benign force for delivering economic prosperity to people throughout the world, the rich foreign investors and traders and people in poor countries. However, it is also blamed as a source of all contemporary ills. International Labour Organisation) I have always thought that globalization only affects individuals in the commercial world. However, the phenomenon of global ization brings an impact to the world not only in economics but also the culture and social welfare of the countries. At many times, people like me tend to be more concerned about the economic and political impacts of the globalization and overlooked its impact on cultural and social welfare. Some feel globalization entails a deterioration of moral standards; a decline of religious scruples; a cultural breakdown. Kilgour, 2000) No doubt what concerns us the most is the â€Å"cultural homogenization† that globalization could generate, challenging our community and our unique identity, culture and traditions. Some even feel that globalization will turn people into spiritless robots. (Kilgour, 2000) But the fact is spiritual activities and experiences are deeply personal, it is difficult to see how globalization would influence them one way or another. (Kilgour, 2000) Overall, my journey of learning this subject has been quite fruitful. It has helped me to learn the world better .I have also learned about what kind of ethics principles to use in order to regulate one’s morality in the commercial world, and it has helped me to develop a better mindset. Section 2 Case Study Lara Stone's Calvin Klein Jeans ad banned in Australia for being ‘Suggestive of Violence and Rape' During this semester, while I was doing my assignment for another course, I have come across this case that had attracted negative media attention. This case is about a Calvin Klein Jeans advertising campaign for its Fall 2010 Collection, starring supermodel–Lara Stone, posing with three male models in the controversial image.Not only the image was being criticized that it was demeaning to women, the advertising campaign had been banned in Australia after the country's Advertising Standards Bureau decided that it was ‘suggestive of violence and rape'. (Abraham, 2010) Advertising is an important social phenomenon. Not only has it stimulated consumption, economic activ ity models, life-styles and a certain value orientation; Advertising acts as a mean for companies to achieve business objectives to sell goods or services. It provides a medium to deliver information to consumers, in a way that would maximize the effectiveness of the message.Once the advertising message has been delivered to the consumers, it is up to the individuals to interpret the message, based upon previous experiences and pre-existing beliefs that differ vastly between cultures. Nonetheless, advertising also mirrors the society, because elements in effective advertisements combine with the individual cultures and societies. (Next Step Marketing, 2012) The Calvin Klein Jeans case caught my attention because of its abuse of the element of sexuality in their ad campaign which caused objections from the audience.Tom Reichert, professor and head of the department of advertising and public relations in the UGA Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication claimed that advertise rs use sex to promote the products because it can be very effective, because it attracts attention and people are hard wired to notice sexually relevant information. (Sorrow, 2012) Reichert said this upward trend in erotic ads is a reflection of society. Today, it takes more explicitness to grab our attention and arouse us than before. Back in the early 1900s, exposed arms and ankles of female models generated the same level of arousal as partially nude models do today. Sorrow, 2012) In Kant’s theory, using women, as sex objects in advertisements to directly appeal to person's emotional core, the advertisement taps into the primal desire of human beings to have children. It bypasses the moral constraints, which the society has ingrained into its members, mirrored as one of Kant's categorical imperatives, that prohibits using people, in this case women, as a means to achieve an end. It is these two internal opposing forces that trouble people when they are confronted with such advertisement.In reality, the women in such advertisements are most probably treated fairly and not exploited, but the internal battle between our basic instincts and moral intuitions do not consider this. We struggle with the primal sexual desire, against our moral intuitions that we should treat women as human beings with equality of rights rather than viewing them as objects to satisfy some internal, primal lust. In the Calvin Klein Jeans advertisement, it is represented by the four men having the power to sexually manipulate the woman; while it is not true in reality.In society, this would represent a regression in the form of moral degradation if women are not treated with equality and are unfairly taken advantage of. The concept of the Calvin Klein Jeans advertising campaign have also gone against the Rawl's Justice of Fairness, in which women, who were unfairly treated in the past, be given more compensation in society now. The act of portraying women as sex objects is an un civilized act, and it harkens back to a time where social liberties and rights were not as developed as they are today.Nonetheless, the use of sex in advertising can also negatively affect children. It was discovered that children watch more than thirteen-hundred hours of television annually, which resulted in exposure to more than twenty-thousand of commercials. † When advertisers use sex in their ads as a technique to increase sales, it can become misleading to children that sex is associated with products, while sexual activities can be exposed to public, instead of sex with love, which is a very personal matter that should be kept behind the door.The use of sexuality may indirectly cause to increase sexual activity among the young, which would lead to more unwanted pregnancies, more STDs and more children with self-esteem issues over body images. (Centrella, et. Al. ) References 1. Abraham, Mail Online, Lara Stone's Calvin Klein Jeans ad banned in Australia for being †˜suggestive of violence and rape' (2010), ;http://www. dailymail. co. uk/femail/article-1322815/Lara-Stone-Calvin-Klein-Jeans-ad-banned-Australia-suggestive-rape. html? printingPage=true;, viewed 20 September 2012 2. California State University, Kantian Ethics lt;http://www. csus. edu/indiv/g/gaskilld/ethics/Kantian%20Ethics. htm; , viewed 27 October 2012 3. Centralla et al. , Are governments doing enough to prevent the global expansion of the sex industry? ;http://www. feministezine. com/feminist/international/Globalization-Sex-and-Profits. html; viewed 26 October 2012 4. FitzGerald KBE and Cormack, The Role of Business: An Agenda for Action (2010) ;http://www. hks. harvard. edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/publications/report_12_CGI%20Role%20of%20Business%20in%20Society%20Report%20FINAL%2010-03-06. df; viewed 20 September 2012 5. Kilgour, Spiritual and Ethical Impacts of Globalisation (2000), ;http://www. david-kilgour. com/secstate/spiritglobe. htm; viewed 23 October 2012 6. Lewis, The Social Re sponsibility of Business is to Increase Profits (2010) ;http://www. mbs. edu/go/centres-of-excellence/2010-debate/asia-pacific-centre-for-leadership-for-social-impact/news-and-links/net-impact/the-social-responsibility-of-business-is-to-increase-profits; viewed 20 September 2012 7.Next Step Marketing, Does Advertising shape society, or merely mirror societal trends? http://www. nextstepmarketing. com. au/articles/advertising/does-advertising-shape-or-mirror-society/ viewed 20 October 2012 8. Shaw, et al. , Moral Issues in Business, 1st Edition (Cengage Learning Australia Pty Ltd, 2009) 9. Sorrow, Magazine trends study finds increase in advertisements using sex (2012) ;http://news. uga. edu/releases/article/magazine-trends-study-finds-increase-in-advertisements-using-sex/; viewed 28 October 2012