Sunday, December 8, 2019

Nurses Knowledge Of Pharmacology Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Nurses Knowledge Of Pharmacology. Answer: Introduction The assignment deals with the article titled, Nurses knowledge of pharmacology behind drugs they commonly administer by Ndosi Newell (2009). In the context of the article the assignment discuses the importance of the study, the aims, objectives, research design, data collection, and results obtained from the study. Importance of the study I think that the research is very important not only for Singapore but globally. It is because of the necessity of supplementary pharmacology education for nurses to gain knowledge on drugs they commonly administer. Nurses require this knowledge due to changing nature of the therapeutic regimes, and because they are the front line carers. Lack of pharmacology knowledge may lead to medication error and adverse consequences (Smeulers et al., 2014). Therefore, the authors make the strong case for the study. Title and aims The title of the article is clear and concise. In 9 words the title gives the readers the idea about the research being conducted. However, it does not give a hint of the study nature that is qualitative or quantitative. The aim of the study is clearly stated, which is to determine if the nurses who administer medicines posses adequate knowledge of pharmacology. Further, the study aims to identify if the knowledge is related to their education background or experience. In think the aims and objectives of the study are achieved. Study design The study employed non-experimental causal comparative and correlational design for this research. The research design is appropriate as this is used for identifying the associations among the variables. It is useful to determine the existing differences and the consequences of it among the group of participants (Garber Hollon, 2015). The first and second hypothesis can be well addressed with this design. Data is collected through questionnaire and structured interview method. The instrument selected is justified as it can collect both subjective and objective data from nurses. It will help in measuring the relation between the variables that is education, knowledge and experience level. A small sample size of 42 may hamper the study results (Avery et al., 2014). Results The results of the study are clear and convincing as the data is well presented with charts and bar graphs. The results were statistically significant when measuring the knowledge differences between the junior and senior nurses. Poor pharmacology knowledge was evident among the nurses. The results indicated the correlation between the experience and the knowledge. Discussion The study had provided detailed discussion for the results obtained. The justification for the sample population chosen and the general reason for the low rate of response were also provided. It is convincing to read how the methodology helped in obtaining desired data. The author conducted a thorough literature review that well supported that the data obtained on pharmacology knowledge, Nurses experience and pharmacology knowledge, Nurse Grades and educational background. The study fails to address the learning trends among the nurses and other areas such as pharmacokinetics, drug dosage calculations. Further research The suggestions for further research on this topic are clear and helpful as there is a need of bigger and better sampling and various methods to further explore this area in Singapore. The recommendation on use of cluster sampling will omit the limitations of previous study. Further studies on this topic in Singapore can include the nurses drug dosage calculation and pharmacokinetics. References Avery, C. L., Der, J. S., Whitsel, E. A., Strmer, T. (2014). Comparison of study designs used to detect and characterize pharmacogenomic interactions in non-experimental studies: a simulation study.Pharmacogenetics and genomics,24(3), 146. Garber, J., Hollon, S. D. (2015). Specificity designs.The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Ndosi, M. E., Newell, R. (2009). Nurses knowledge of pharmacology behind drugs they commonly administer.Journal of clinical nursing,18(4), 570-580. Smeulers, M., Onderwater, A. T., Zwieten, M. C., Vermeulen, H. (2014). Nurses' experiences and perspectives on medication safety practices: an explorative qualitative study.Journal of nursing management,22(3), 276-285.

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