Saturday, January 18, 2020

Week disscuison

These programs cover the range of management issues from traditional MBA functional areas to the development of strategic visioning skills. Other sources of management development activities include raining vendors, consultants, and professional associations. The principal advantages of externally based programs are as follows: They expose managers to the current thinking and theory in management. They remove organizational constraints in exploring new approaches. They allow interchange of ideas among managers from different organizational backgrounds.They cost less per person than internally developed programs. The benefits of the two types of development actives per the notes from week SIS'S lecture that would affect employee performance within a management training program are as follows: Job rotation Helps employee development by perhaps providing an alternative career path Gives employees diverse skills, and increases their flexibility within the organization Higher productivity , greater creativity, and an energize work force are all possible outcomes.Team Building Improves group effectiveness Improve decision making Improves interaction with others The two effects of employee development from the scenario are increased productivity and employee retention. XX, B. B. A. , HARM â€Å"Managers' Development† Please respond to the following: Identify two to three typical roles and / or characteristics that set managers apart from rank, ND-file staff. Then, develop one or two instructional strategies to address the identified roles / characteristics within comprehensive management training.Predict two trends in management education training, and analyze their potential effects on the overall training and development field. According to text quoted directly from the course material on chapter 11 pages 411-412, the two types of characteristics that set managers apart from rank and file staff are as follows: CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS conceptual knowled ge and skills are the mental abilities required to analyze and diagnose complex situations and sake correct decisions. They are essential and common to all (or nearly all) management positions.The following requirements are most frequently cited: Planning and Decision Making Being aware Of decision-making alternatives and being skilled in their use Setting priorities Forecasting events Integrating organizational policies, procedures, and objectives Adapting to legal, social, and political environments Organizing Developing appropriate organizational structures Coordinating separate but interrelated activities Scheduling activities to reach time, efficiency, and quality goals Allocating sources to maximize return on investment.Controlling Knowing how to apply various control systems Developing control systems Developing and supporting initiatives Developing policy, procedures, and objectives INTERPERSONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Interpersonal knowledge and skills, often called â€Å"hu man† skills, refer to the ability to work with, understand, and motivate others, both individually and in groups. As Midwinter's research indicates, managers spend most Of their time interacting with others. It is primarily the managers interpersonal skills and knowledge of human behavior that determine her success in influencing others and developing information networks.Examples of knowledge and skill elements in this category include the following: Understanding individual differences Motivating subordinates Developing subordinates Building a work team and providing team leadership Managing conflict constructively Adjusting behavior to fit situational demands (behavioral flexibility) Presenting a position in a compelling fashion (persuasion) Listening effectively Showing awareness of social cues Maintaining objectivity in social situations Globalization may enable more leadership programsSome employers have global aspect in its leadership development strategies, but many or ganizations find they must remain competitive or lose out in an increasingly integrated, ruthless global marketplace. Organizations will embrace development and training to enable workforce loyalty. Organizations are taking on the challenge of employee turnover and with this, senior leadership will look for HER groups to form a strategic relationship with high quality better performing employee and embrace training and development as a source to better engagement and retention. Compensating Expatriates† Please respond to the following:Analyze the issues and considerations that impact expatriate compensation to determine the single biggest challenge in setting compensation. Provide specific examples to support your response. From the e-Activity, determine which cultural characteristics should be considered when establishing a compensation program for a U. S. Company planning to locate in the country you researched. Provide specific examples to support your response. Use the Int ernet or the Strayed Library to research a foreign country of your choice (excluding Canada), with a focus on that country cultural characteristics.Be prepared to discuss. According to the course material, expatriates are U. S. Citizens employed in U. S. Companies with work assignments outside the United States. Selection of Expatriates There is inflated cost to employers wishing to hire expatriates that can have an overall effect to their bottom line. It would be essential from a business perspective, especially considering the fact that my organization would be investing thousands of dollars On relocating an expatriate and their family temporarily. Expatriates can be screened mentally for mental competence to adapt in a foreign culture.An expatriates failed assignment in another country can be as high as $250,000. 00 and the failure rate can be high due to inability to the works family to adjust, the worker's motivation Of an international assignment, unrealistic expectation, rese ntment or lack of support from home internationals. Compensation Compensation and other forms of pay would be something that employers HER teams would have to also consider. Compensation does not only mean direct salary for work performed. Of course tax equalization systems so that income can be comparable to what pay would be in the home country.A worker relocating to a country for long term assignment of two years would want to be compensated because they will have to relearn customs, cultures in addition to being away from friends and loved ones. Workers returning to their home country with old positions and status may not be the same as their assignments in other countries. This could cause hardship for the expatriate returning back to the US. From the e-Activity the foreign country that researched was the United Kingdom. The cultural characteristics that should be considered when establishing compensation programs for a U.S many planning to locate to the UK are as follows: Cons umer Prices Consumer prices in goods and services are about 33% higher than in the united States which can cause a significant impact on an organizations bottom dollar. For example, an average basic monthly utility bill for electricity, heating, water and garbage for a two bedroom flat in the UK will be about $248. 39 USED or 148. 38 GAP, verses in the US which it would be an average of $1 61. 88 which is up 53. 52%. This is something that organizations will have to consider. Pay and Benefits Outside the united States† Please respond to the following:Analyze the differences between minimum pay regulations and retirement systems in the U. S. And the other countries discussed in this chapter to determine how these differences affects the ability of U. S. Companies to compete worldwide. Provide specific examples to support your response. Select the minimum pay and retirement practices of one of the countries discussed in Chapter 15. Then, determine the likely result if those prac tices were adopted by the U. S. Provide your rationale. Minimum Wage According to the course material chapter 1 5, page 367, France does have a minimum wage.The minimum wage applies to all salaried workers, including those working in both the public and private businesses of an industrial or commercial nature. The minimum wage applies to workers in commercial and industrial professions, agricultural professions utilizing salaried workers as defined in the Rural Code, liberal professions, home workers, domestic workers, doormen, nursery school assistants, union personnel, personnel in insurance companies and social security companies that are not public bodies, and personnel in associations or organizations governed by private law regardless Of their makeup or objectives.In 2008, the wage was set at EURO 8. 71 per hour ($LSI 2. 25, approximately). Retirement Effective August 21, 2003, the government mandated that employees must work longer before they may receive full government pens ion. The increase from 40 to 41 years will take effect by 2012. Retirees will also be prohibited from receiving their pensions while working on a part-time basis because the pension amount is set at a generous level (I. E. , 85 percent of annual earnings prior to retirement). This differs from the US North America where minimum wage laws apply to all workers employed by and employer.As far as retirement, in order to qualify for social security the age of 65 has to be reached. As disused in chapter 15, page 362, the minimum wage is 49. 50 to 52. 30 pesos depending on the geographical area which is equivalent to $3. 83 to $4. 04 per hour in the US. The likely result of such a mediocre minimum wage being implemented in the IIS during these times would be economic catastrophe, and the rebirth of another great depression. If US workers were paid only $3. 83 an hour, then every minimum wage worker would be considered in a category of extreme poverty. Food stamps, welfare, Medicaid,WICK, d epartment of public housing organizations and other forms of government public assistance would see an astronomical inflation of qualifying applicants who work full time. This will of course cause more Of a deficit in our national debt which could cause a rise in taxes. In addition, there would be a spike in crimes like robbery, larceny, fraud, and embezzlement which will require more government resources as far as law enforcement and medical personnel. Great post! You and share some of the same thoughts in regards to the two types of development activities that would affect employee performance thin a management training program.In fact, think it would be great for employee performance overall. When I think of job rotation, think of a working world of variety and high morale. I think that this method of training should be something that many employers should adopt in order to empower their workforce, and remain competitive in the business market. I agree with you that the effects o f employee development are return on investment and improved employee performance. In addition to improving employee performance it would also benefit the organization in which they worked for. XX, ABA HARM Awesome post! Ere with you when you state a distinction exists between those who have the authors ¶/ to devise, implement and control strategic and operational policies (top and middle managers) and those whose task is simply to ensure that such policies are carried out by the rank-and-file employees of an organization (first level managers/supervisors). I think that every level of management has an importance within the business market. In addition you're rational of trends in education being multimedia is dead on. I think multimedia is the new generation of training and development.. Jennifer, Another great post!I defiantly agree that the biggest challenge for expatriates having to leave their families for an extended amount of time to do an assignment in another country. Jus t to add to what you were mentioned in your post about expatriates leave causing stress and strain to their family members, I think this is especially true for the our US military. Say this because many Of our soldiers are placed into hazardous and dangerous territories and war zones such as many parts of the Middle East. You and I both researched the Europe. I picked the I-J because have always considered living there.On part includes that fact the UK is an Americanizes entry. Although the laws and culture is different, they speak English just like Americans, but with an accent. Overseas assignment in my opinion is unaided for married people of ones with close net families as it causes emotional hardships. Lisa, Great Post! I agree with you that other countries minimum pay regulations and retirement systems it will not affect the ability of U. S. Companies. Think that minimum wage will always be an issue, and it will be considered mediocre forever because it will never reach the le vel of inflation or cost of living.

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