Saturday, May 23, 2020

Health Promotion And Its Effects On The Wellbeing

Health is usually a complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of a disease or infirmity. In current century people inherits good health, or some may have sickness at times or some may have serious illness. As the lifestyle changes, so does the people’s health changes (Human Kinetics, n.d). By having good health helps people to fully get involved in their communities and also to participate in different activities among the community. Health promotion is the procedure of enabling people to increase control over and enhancing their health. As it strengthens communities’ action and helps developing personal skills (Whanganui district health board, 2015). Health is a very general concept where a balance of factors can affect the wellbeing (Whanganui district health board, 2015). This essay will discuss the importance and application of two health promotion values which will be Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Human rights. Explain and discuss the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi to health promotion practice Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a very important document for Aotearoa (New Zealand). The name Te Tiriti O Waitangi was from a place in Bay of Islands, where it was first signed on 6th February, 1840 (New Zealand History, 2014).It is an agreement between the MÄ ori and English people. That was made between the British crown and about five hundred and thirty MÄ ori chiefs (New Zealand History, 2014). There are two versions of Treaty of Waitangi, one of them isShow MoreRelatedNursing Practice1222 Words   |  5 PagesPractice 1. How is health promotion defined? Wellness showcasing is the study of craft of helping people changes their way of life to move to a state of greatest wellbeing; the most extreme wellbeing protection scope health being the parity of physical, enthusiastic, open, religious, and discerning wellbeing (Kudzma, Mandle and Edelman, 2010). 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